2018 novely recap
Ser.Tec group give you appointment to C!Print Lyon 2019 where we will present the lastest improvements of the Eagle series.
Eagle 50
Presented at Inprint Milan this small format printer is great for object printing and for textiles.
Unlike the larger Eagle models in the Eagle 50, the print bed moves to minimize the overall dimensions required to operate the machine.
Eagle 70 S2
Equipped with Ser.Tec. Multihead technology Eagle TX 70 is extremely fast and can make prints with an incredible quality.
Eagle 130 roll to roll
The latest customization of our Eagle series printers.
This custom printer is based on an Eagle UV 130 and it has beed customized to allow both roll to roll and flat bed printing.
Automatic primer applicator with integrated press.
Provided with double dispensing to prime in a few seconds the fabric in uniform manner from the first to the last garment.
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