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DPI 3D Printer

Brief description: 
With DPI 3D the 3D printing is within the reach of all. DPI 3D, for its potential use is suitable for the rapid prototyping of 3D objects as well as to the realization of functional objects.
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DPI 3D use the additive method, ie the object is created by successive layers of material, the wire of thermoplastic material is heated by a resistor and through a particular mechanism is extruded from the nozzle, forming a thin wire that is overlaid layer upon layer to build the three-dimensional object.

For the realization of a 3D object is used a three-dimensional draw is STL ( Standard Tassellation Language) a native format of all 3D CAD system.

DPI 3D is a system o Cartesian axes in which each axle is equipped with double prismatic guide in steel on which glide carriages at double spheres recirculation, the movements are made using precision HTD belts, also the Z axis motor is down geared 4:1, this allows the Z axis accuracies af 0,01 mm (the accuracy of realization of the 3D object is largely due to the precision of Slice (layers) then the Z axis).

The materials normally used are:

• ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – Which the most important mechanical property is the resistance.
• PLA - Poly(lactic acid) o Polylactide - biodegradable material also used in biomedical applications.
• PVA - Polyvinyl Alcohol - Material resistant to oils, greases and solvents, odorless and non-toxic. Its uniqueness is
to dissolve rapidly and completely in water.
• PC - Polycarbonate – Material exceptionally strong and shock resistant (it is used in the manufacture of bullet-proof glass).
Other material are usable, but they have not been tested by us.

Technical specifications
Overral dimensions 600x500x660 mm
Empty weigth ~25Kg
Max. printable size 245x245x245mm
Table size 255x260mm
Power source 230v - 300 Watt
Heater 50 Watt - 24 V
(armored and protected)
Thermoregulation Digital thermostat with J
thermocouple probe
X,Y axes precision 0,06 mm
Z axes precision 0,01 mm
X,Y axis speed 5.000 mm/min
Z axis speed 2.000 mm/min
Slice (mm) 0,10 / 0,21 / 0,31 / 0,42 / 0,53
Nozzle supplied 0.48 mm (on request 0,37 / 0,39 / 0,42 / 0,53)

DPI DG Printing