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The Eagle

DPI LEJ-640 FlatBed: UV on a Suction Plate

newsletter DPI e SER-TEC

Ser.Tec. s.r.l., in collaboration with DPI DG Printing, is proud to present the latest addition to the UV Printer line: DPI LEJ-640 FlatBed.

DPI LEJ-640 FlatBed Video

Thanks to the suction plate and a print height of maximum 25cm, DPI LEJ-640 Flatbed will allow you to print on a huge amount of materials with ease.

WhiteRIP: the Professional RIP software for your DTG Printer

DPI DG Printing, in collaboration with EV Network s.r.l., presents WhiteRIP, the professional RIP software for digital printing.

Thanks to the advanced ripping algorithm used in WhiteRIP, you will be able to obtain high quality results when printing with your DTG printer.

Get your old DTG Printer back on its feet with WhiteRIP!

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WhiteRIP is compatible with a great number of printers: thanks to its compatibility, you will be able to put your DTG Printer back on its feet, and create truly amazing prints!

Other than the great number of functionalities, like the automatic white underbase creation, the ability to save your ripped images, the management of print templates, WhiteRIP is also capable of printing white and colored layers simultaneously!

UV LED Printers and Printing Equipment

The Eagle


Dear Sir,

As we still don't have a partner for Your Region, we decided to contact you as we find that our products would be very interesting for your company.


On our main website you will find all the information about our products and our company. On our mini site you will find more details about our UV LED Printer line.

If you are interested in our products, please fill in our reseller request, we will get in touch with you with all the necessary details!


WhiteRip LogoWhiteRIP: il nuovo software di EVNETWORK per la stampa digitale, con un interfaccia semplice ed intuitiva, basato su nuove tecnologie che aumentano la qualità di stampa e massimizzano la produzione. E' disponibile in tre versioni, in base al settore d'utilizzo:

- WhiteRIP Textile per la stampa su tessuto

- WhiteRIP Label per la stampa di etichette

- WhiteRIP UV per l'oggettistica

Supporta i più diffusi formati grafici, sia raster che vettoriali, tra cui JPG, TIFF, BMP, PSD, EPS e PDF. E' dotato di un motore di rendering a 16 bit che permette di ottenere sfumature più graduali, riducendo gli artefatti dovuti all’elaborazione delle immagini.

Ulteriori Informazioni

SER.TEC: First NETWORK screen printing machines for hire

SER.TEC: First NETWORK screen printing machines for hire 15/2/2005


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