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Report Viscom Milano 2016

As usual has been a Viscom full of novelty for the Ser.Tec Group.
In fact during the event has been presented the new DTG Digital M3, able to print on textiles on an area of 1150x750mm with high quality and speed.

Another absolute novelty was EVO LAB, a station for the preparation of screens.

Report C!print Madrid 2016

The C!print Madrid 2016 has just ended and Ser.Tec Group was present with the new Spanish dealer Saati Serigrafia Iberica.

At the stand was exposed the UV Led printer Beled that highlighted for printing speed and versatility proving to be suitable for many applications.

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Report Sgia 2016

Ser.Tec group has participated with the U.S.A dealer Sts Inks at Sgia 2016 with the new Ser.Tec. U.S.A. brand.
The opening of Ser.Tec. U.S.A. is a new challenge for Ser.Tec group, more and more projected to become a global digital producer.

For the event, one of the most important of the American market, was present the new Eagle UV 70 and the Eagle TX 60.

The Eagle UV 70 characterized by the new design and the new print engine has highlighted for the print quality and versatility, being able to print on countless materials thanks to UV Led technology and specifics inks.

Both printers has caught positives opinions for the wing design that allow to load and unload the material comfortably even while the printer is working.

Report Viscom Paris 2016

The new Eagle UV 70 was present at Viscom Paris 2016 with our French reseller Thermoflan.
The visitors were attracted by the innovative design of the printer and the high quality prints.

The number of visitor was high for all the exhibition days confirming the interest of the market to new printing solutions.

Rinnova il tuo parco macchine con il maxi ammortamento

Super ammortamento al 140 per cento:
periodo temporale di riferimento

Il super ammortamento o maxi ammortamento introdotto dalla Legge di Stabilità 2016 si applica per tutti i beni strumentali acquistati tra il 15 ottobre 2015 ed il 31 dicembre 2016.

Tutti i nostri prodotti rientrano in queste categorie che beneficiano di questa agevolazione, approfittane e rinnova il tuo parco macchine, Ser.Tec e DPI supervalutano il tuo usato! Chiamaci!
Scopri di più sul maxi ammortamento

Report Drupa 2016

The Sertec Group.

Il Gruppo Ser.Tec porta il Computer To Screen in Italia

Grazie all’accordo con Exile Technologies il Gruppo Ser.Tec. commercializzerà i prodotti per la stampa digitale di telai serigrafici Spider 2 e Free Styler.
Con questi innovativi sistemi Computer To Screen la creazione dei telai diventa un operazione semplice e veloce.
Infatti non sono più necessarie le pellicole e una volta stampati i telai sono pronti per essere esposti, senza utilizzare vetro o aspirazione.

I telai realizzati con i sistemi CTS di Exile hanno una maggiore qualità grazie a software RIP specificatamente studiati con dithering ad alta qualità e funzioni ottimizzate per la stampa su telaio.
Free Styler e Spider 2 posso stampare immagini rispettivamente fino a 735x508mm e 1320x1020mm su telai di dimensioni massime di 915x600mm e 1420x1270mm.

DTG M2 - nuovo prezzo e nuovi inchiostri!!

Scopri di più sulla stampante DTG M2 qui o contattaci compilando il form qui.

New Compress iUV-1200s

Compress, a division of Impression Technology, has annouced the launch of a new UV Led flatbed printer iUV-1200s that will be presented during the Fespa Amsterdam at stand M70 hall 5.


Characterized by a print area up to 1200x600mm the new Compress iUV-1200s is equipped with a powerful and strong print engine that include functionality like 3D printing.
The Compress iUV-1200s offer six colors, CMYK white and gloss at a maximum resolution of 1440dpi providing high quality images on a large number of media. With a large space for the material Compress iUV1200s can print on support up to 300mm of thickness ad a print speed up to 35mq/hour.

Compress iUV-1200s is equipped with practical and effective solutions.

Report Fespa Amsterdam 2016

It was a Fespa full of novelty the one just concluded by Ser.Tec Group and its partners.
During the event at Ser.Tec stand has been presented the new Eagle UV 70 characterized by a new print engine and a completely revised design that has positively impressed visitors for its versatility and quality.

At Ser.Tec was also present Digiscreen, the digital printer for screen printing carousels, in the stand alone version that has impressed for versatility, while software RIP WhiteRIP 6 of EvNetwork aside from being present on all our machines was present with its interactive totem capturing many visitors for its features and user friendly interface.

At Aeoon stand has been presented the new Aeoon Compact that feature the same technology of Aeoon Kyo but with a reduced size to fit all production environment.